Originality by Gaudi:
learn how to think in
a creative way
Creativity challenges to help you uncover your creative side, invent the new and make the change happen, following Gaudi’s steps.
Sign up for a challenge
Gaudi Creativity Thinking Challenges are designed to help you uncover the creative child inside you that always wanted to build something unremarkable.
Our modern world is facing many problems today, and we need a great dose of creativity to solve them.
In order to differentiate yourself, tap into your full potential and work on something that you love, you need to be able to adapt to change quickly and creatively.
Uncover your creativity
Invent human-centred
Make the change happen
What makes this methodology so different?
100 years ago the creator of Sagrada Familia developed a multidisciplinary mindset that helped him to design his masterpieces.
His creative school of thought was advanced of his time, and this is exactly the way of thinking that is needed nowadays.
After working with countless experts on Gaudi, entrepreneurship, innovation, and design, we synthesized his ideology into an applicable to the modern world creative methodology.

It’s your time
to leave legacy
Gaudi was no smarter or more talented than anyone else.
He just knew how to combine his knowledge of the world with his creative and original self and channel it into solving big and small challenges.
He left a legacy.
Now it is your turn.
What makes this methodology so different?
100 years ago, we were expected to be an expert in only one specific thing. It is no longer so in a modern world.
This is why this year, prior to the 3rd Gaudi World Congresses, we have identified important challenges together with our sponsors and invite anyone brave to use their creativity to solve them.
Astorga Gaudi Challenge
Disability-centered Sustainability
Astorga, Leon, Spain
4-6 May 2018
Special Edition Gaudi Challenge
Creative Design for Humanity
Coming up soon
Barcelona, Spain
June 2018
Alpha Gaudi Challenge
Creativity-Centered Innovation
Coming up soon
Barcelona, Spain
September 2018
Stanford D.School Challenge
Product Desing Workshop
Stanford, California
27th of November, 2018
Baidu Gaudi Challenge
Technology, museums and culture
San Fransisco, California
26-28th of January 2018
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